Rabu, 27 April 2011

More on Saints Row: The Third

This is this months cover of OXM. Inside there is a whopping eight page preview including details of characters, settings, gangs and nukes. Slowly but surely Saints Row: The Third is beginning to take some shape and we can tell that it is going to be one of this years most anticipated games. We know that we have left the city of Stilwater for a bigger city but lets hope that its still just as crazy and wacky. Saints Row: The Third has been featured in a lot of magazines recently and managed to bag a few covers (such as OXM above). These magazines will be the number one place to find out more information about the game and anything else to do with it. The website also: http://www.saintsrow.com/ has changed recently and added a news page to keep all Saints Row fans up to date with the latest information.

To the right we have a new screenshot of Saints Row: The Third. Again this image suggests that we will have the same old insane gun fights with randoms just like we did in the first two. But this time the game and gameplay appears more elegant just as is intended with the game concentrating on the Saints becoming more sophisticated and classy.

Check out the trailer at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZp0w42Zlkk 

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