Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

Lotus Notes features and the keyboard shortcuts used in it

This article briefs about the IBM Lotus note
 mail software and the features of this product.
 This also shows the keyboard shortcuts used
 in lotus notes with respect to the
mail, database, properties, documents,
view mode and in other styles.
The IBM has released the lotus notes
in various versions starting from
 release 1.0 to 8.0

Lotus Notes is an IBM product, which is used
for sending and receiving the mails.
This software is similar to the Microsoft Outlook
 mail concept.

Features of Lotus Notes:

  • Access to emails, calendar, contacts, instant messaging

  • Replication concept

  • Inline spell checker

  • Embedded browser in lotus notes

  • Auto forward option to others mailbox

    Keyboard Shortcuts:

    CTRL+E - Edit document
    CTRL+M - Create new mail memo
    CTRL+S - Save current document
    DELETE - Delete the mail
    ENTER - Open the currently highlighted mail memo
    INSERT - To mark the mails read or unread
    F9 - Refresh the mailbox to receive the new mails
    ALT+F5 - Restore Notes to default minimized size
    ALT+F9 - Minimize active window
    ALT+F10 - Maximize active windows
    F1 - Help menu
    F5 - Lock User ID
    CTRL+O - Open database
    CTRL+N - Create new database
    UP arrow - To move the highlight upwards in the mailbox
    DOWM arrow - To move the highlight downwards in the mailbox
    CTRL+F - To find the particular word
    CTRL+P - To print the document
    CTRL+A - To select all the contents of the document
    CTRL+C - To copy the selected text
    CTRL+V - To paste the copied text
    CTRL+X - To cut the selected text
    CTRL+B - TO make the text bold
    CTRL+I - To make the text italicize
    CTRL+U - To underline the text
    CTRL+J - Format paragraphs
    CTRL+R - Show or hide the ruler
    CTRL+Z - To undo the last action
    F2 - Enlarge selected text to next available point size
    F7 - Indent first line in paragraph
    F8 - Indent entire paragraph
    SPACEBAR - Select or deselect document 

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