Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

What Is Skimming?

Skimming is a method used by fraudsters to capture your personal or account information from your credit card. Your card is swiped through the skimmer and the information contained in the magnetic strip on the card is then read into and stored on the skimmer or an attached computer. Skimming is a tactic used predominantly to perpetrate credit-card fraud – but it is also a tactic that is gaining in popularity among identity thieves.

How The Fraudsters Operate?
  • At ATM machines

    Fraudsters insert a skimming device to the ATM's card slot. This device scans the card and stores its associated information. While a customer keys in his PIN, the wireless skimming device transfers the data to the fraudsters. This information is then used by the fraudsters for online shopping or to make counterfeit credit cards.

  • At Restaurants / Shopping Outlets

    At restaurants and shopping outlets, the credit card is swiped twice, once for the regular transaction and the other in the skimmer that captures the personal information which is retrieved later by the fraudsters.
Tips To Protect Yourself From Skimming
  • Sign on the reverse of your credit card as soon as you receive it.

  • Collect your receipts / charge slips at ATM's, restaurants and shopping outlets.

  • Use your card with merchants that you know and can trust. Never allow a shopkeeper to take your card to a different shop/room for swiping.


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