Rabu, 11 Mei 2011

How To Hack a Blackberry

This page gives details on how to hack a Blackberry by freeing up memory, by installing apps without a data plan, removing an I.T. policy, or tethering. These procedures work on most models. You will also find here a catalog of popular BlackBerry 3rd party apps to download.
All BlackBerry cell phones have preloaded themes, features, support, and samples. This makes it easy to start using your phone right out of the box, but it also fills up your phone's memory. Your BlackBerry comes with just enough free memory to operate. As you enter messages and items on your calendar, eventually your phone will start to delete old ones automatically, to make room for new ones. Most users get a memory card to help solve this memory problem. Eventually though even your memory card will get full. Two methods for hacking into your phone and uninstalling some of the preloaded stuff that you don't use are explained in the featured video and in Step 1 below.
The BlackBerry is superior to many other cell phones in that it already allows 3rd Party Applications to be installed on it. Unlike many other cell phones, there is no need to hack a blackBerry to be able to install 3rd party applications on it. Many cellular service providers charge BlackBerry users a data plan fee for the ability to download and install 3rd party applications. Step 2 below gives a workaround for this.
A variety of 3rd party downloadable applications are available. For those of you who bought your BlackBerry on eBay only to discover that you can't install anything on it because of the crippling I.T. policy the previous owner neglected to tell you about - step 3 below spells out how to remove a pesky I.T. policy. If you use this on a phone that is owned by your employer or anyone but you, then you may be fired or face charges.
Disclaimer: Doing any of the hacks described on this page could brick your phone (make it useless like a brick). Some 3rd party applications can harm your phone, use it to send spam, or steal your personal information. If you decide to procede, then use caution. You use any of this information at your own risk.

Step 1: How To Free Memory on a BlackBerry

First, get a memory card for your BlackBerry. These range in price from $9.95 to $89.99. They range in memory size from 2 gigabytes to 16 gigabytes and are available from a variety of retailers.
To delete applications that are loaded on your phone but that you won't use, on your phone, go to:
  • Menu > Options > Advanced Options > Applications
  • Select an application that you won't use.
  • Menu > Delete
  • Restart your phone.
Don't load your phone up with any applications or themes that you won't use.
It will save a lot of memory if you only have one theme on your phone. If the one theme you want to use is a third party theme, then you still have to keep one factory loaded theme on your phone, or the other one won't work. In order to delete the other factory loaded themes, you will need a utility called Javaloader, which is part of an official BlackBerry development tool called BlackBerry JDE. Once you have installed BlackBerry JDE on your computer, you will be able to edit the names of preloaded themes so that they appear to be old and can thus be deleted. On your computer go to:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\Shared\Loader Files\(numbers that correspond to your BlackBerry's model)\Java
  • Locate the files for the themes that you don't want.
  • Rename these files by adding .old after the .cod in their filenames.
  • You MUST keep one factory loaded theme on the phone, so do not rename all of the factory themes.
  • Connect your phone to your computer.
  • Run the app loader, which will delete the renamed themes from your phone.

Step 2: BlackBerry Hacking Apps

Be very careful when downloading files. Some 3rd party applications will harm your phone, use it to send spam, or steal your personal information. You use any of this page at your own risk. Doing any of these steps incorrectly could brick your phone (make it useless like a brick). If you decide to proceed, then use caution.
Some 3rd party applications can be downloaded and installed onto your BlackBerry with out your having to subscribe to your cellular phone provider's data plan. In order to do this, you will need to have a computer that you can plug your phone into, and your phone needs to have a MicroSD memory card in it. You will also need to download and extract a utility called OTA Downloader.
  • Find an application that you want on your phone.
  • Open OTA Loader.
  • Under URL to .jad file insert an OTA download link for the app and your current OS.
  • Example:
  • An OTA download link for an app called berryaddon with OS 4.6:
  • http://www.all4berry.com/ota/BerryAddon_46.jad
  • If you need help creating this link, then click on this number.
  • Click download.
  • Wait while it downloads; do not do anything on the phone or the computer.
  • Look for the downloaded folder with three files in it.
  • Copy these three files to your phone's MicroSD card.
  • On your phone:
  • Media Menu > BlackBerry Menu > Explore
  • Find the files you just saved on your phone's MicroSD card.
  • Click on the .Jad file.
  • Choose download.
  • Wait while it "downloads" (it will install); do not do anything on the phone.
  • After the app installs you can delete the files from your MicroSD card.

Step 3: How To Remove an I.T. Policy from a Blackberry

On your home computer:
Install the Blackberry Desktop Manager with Blackberry Internet Service. If the Blackberry Desktop Manager had already been installed on your computer, then uninstall it and make sure to use Blackberry Internet Service to install it this time. The Blackberry Desktop Manager is on the CD that came with your BlackBerry. If you have misplaced this CD, then download the Blackberry Desktop Manager by clicking on this number.
Next, you will need to get a utility hack called policy.bin by clicking on this number. Save policy.bin to your Blackberry installation directory:
  • C:\Program Files\Research In Motion\BlackBerry
  • Back up anything on the phone that you want to keep.
  • Wipe clean the phone's memory by selecting on the phone: *Options > Security > Wipe
  • If this option is unavailable, go to the forums for help by clicking on this number.
  • Close the Desktop Manager and disconnect the phone from the computer.
  • On your computer:
Start > Run > regedit
  • On the left, go to:
  • HKEY_Current_Users\Software\Research In Motion\BlackBerry\PolicyManager
  • Right click the Policy Manager folder.
  • Select New/String Value.
  • Name the value Path.
  • Double click the Path Subkey.
  • Set Value Data to:
  • C:\Program Files\Research In Motion\BlackBerry\policy.bin
  • Restart the computer.
  • Open the Desktop Manager.
  • Connect your BlackBerry to the computer.

Step 4 How to Tether a Blackberry

Tethering usually means using your mobile phone as a wireless modem for your computer - typically a laptop. For example, you are frequently on the road and there is no WiFi coverage for your laptop. Just tether your Blackberry to the lap top and you have a 3G modem. But beware - the data exchanged between your mobile phone and your computer counts against your telecommunications plan and web-browsing on computers are graphics intensive.
Applications TetherBerry was released on May 6th allowing easy tethering of your Blackberry to a computer by installing a small app on each.

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