Jumat, 13 Mei 2011

How to design your own website?

Designing website is not a rocket science

According to one recent data churned out by the Netcraft, which is an internet service company, the total figure of websites in the web world has already reached 324697205 till the beginning of May, 2011. On the other hand, one report by the IT industry reveals that only upon 1% of the website, the Indians have rights. As per latest reports, the number of internet users in India is 8.1 crore which will gradually equal to the numbers of China and America by the end of 2013. There is one website per every 25 internet users in the world over, whereas, in India, there is only one website on 100 internet users. Unawareness is the reason behind it, because people think it similar to launching rockets in the space. Follow the steps below to make at least a simple web designing.

Domain name necessary

It is crucial to understand first the purpose before web designing. You will have to book domain if you want to make web design as per your profession and name. Domain name is your recognition of your identity and website is accessed by this name. Saying it in easier terms, domain name is a permanent web address or URL to open up a particular website by typing the URL at the address bar of the users’ browser. According to the data of web hosting, in May alone, the number of registered domains in America is 7.62 lacks whereas the number in India is 6.11 lacks. Domains are booked at the rate of thousands daily. Some fee is charged for booking the domains though.

How to select the right domain for your website

  • Choose the domain name tallying with your profile or brand name.
  • Domain name should not be much larger. Its length should be such that might sink in the memories of the peoples. 
  • There is the facility available of registering domain name in other languages too, including Hindi.
  • The benefits of short domain name enables the search engine to yield exact and immediate results. 
  • If your favourite domain name is registered already from before, you can register domain name by using plurals ‘the’ and ‘my’ form.
  • Whereas, generally, the. Com is registered for 449 rupees, the fees of. In and .co. in is only 99 rupees. Fees are to be deposited for renewals also every year. Domain names could be searched on several hosting websites including www.bigrock.in or www.domainname.net.in.

How to choose web host

Several computers of web -host companies are connected with internet. When you upload your webpage on these computers, this webpage gets connected with the internet after which, the users can access that page. There is the need to sign up after registering the domain name and choosing web host so that your website gets a home. The website gets availability on the server on an annual fee ranging from 149 to 9999. It is the responsibility of the web host that users access websites without difficulties. There is the need of extreme caution after choosing up the web host because the web hosts do technical monitoring as well apart from doing the data back ups and keep the data of web host visitors. In our country, these day, among the web hosts, Bigrock is the most popular among the netizens which provide services @ 59-209 rupees pm.

Web page designing

  • Preparing the blueprints of the page: It is very imperative first of all to make the template or the blueprint while making a website. Blueprint could be made on paper or computer also. The advantage of this would be that you shall have an idea of the content and designing. 
  • Designing of the website: There are generally two types of websites- static and dynamic. Static website is non-interactive and one way, where users can have information from web page. Dynamic website is interactive and continuously keeps on updating. Websites of e-commerce and newspapers are instances of dynamic websites. There are many web editors on net from whom you can get web page made.
  • Editors can help you out in designing your website:
    wysiwyg (What you see is what you get) Editors can helping the designing of the websites. Amazon web services, composer, c monkey composer, Microsoft share point designer help create web page. Apart from these, sites.google.com create free web site or the website could be created from the help of some professional or from the web hosting web sites. There is the facility of creating own web page on big rock with all the kits and tools and images at the cost from 79 rupees to 209 rupees pm. On the other hands, professionals also can develop web pages at costs ranging from 4-5 to 20000 rupees according to your choice.

Content is king

Content is the soul of a website. The more the content will be interesting the more will the traffic increase. It is therefore essentially important to keep the content updated. Help from some professional writer could be taken for this purpose.

Testing of the website

After the web publishing, the site testing is necessary. Open the site at different browsers to see. This is important because html codes do not support several other browsers. Do check also downloading times, image broken and the navigation details of all the pages of the site.

Take helps of search engine

It is important for promoting the website that its listings should be on search engine. For this, help of user search engine optimization could also be taken. Make use of the right keywords for your contents. Keyword tracker should be made use of. With the helps of SEO, in the list of search engines, you can achieve top ranking of your website.

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