Minggu, 12 Juni 2011

So How Does 'Port Forwarding' Factor Into This?

Port forwarding is when you command your network router to proactively identify and redirect every packet to travel on specific electronic lanes. Instead of having every packet stop at each port in turn until it finds an open port, a router can be programmed to expedite the process by identifying and redirecting packets without having them stop at each port. Your router then acts like a type of hyper-fast traffic policeman who directs traffic in front of the tollbooths.

While this electronic identification and forwarding only takes milliseconds, the time involved adds up quickly as millions of electronic packets enter and leave your Internet computer. If you program your port forwarding correctly, you can speed up your Internet experience by several seconds. In the case of downloading large files, like P2P torrent sharing, you can save yourself hours of download time by programming your port forwards. A song that used to take 3 hours to download can now finish in less than 10 minutes, if your port forwards are set correctly.

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